Anunnaki Human Genome Analysis

On a recent walk I was listening to a podcast that discussed translations of ancient Sumerian tablets and the lore they contained about the Anunnaki. I won’t expound on it very much except to say that it conveys an incredible set of creation myths, many of which you can directly trace elements right up through […]

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Study of a Modulo Sequence

As I’ve discussed before, many great findings in mathematics have arisen from the study of silly arbitrary functions. These functions often look quite simple but produce surprising results when carried out at length. Occasionally I attempt to come up with my own novel routine and almost always find that they collapse to something well known […]

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Studies in Chlandi Figures

Ernst Chlandi was a scientist in the late 18th century that is often referred to as the father of acoustics. One of his contributions was the development of Chlandi Plates, a means of studying wave patterns. In these experiments a metal plate of a particular geometry is suspended, sand is placed on it and a […]

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Hypothesis on the Nature of Matter

If you follow my blog you have probably noticed that I spend a good amount of time thinking about and simulating interactions and geometry in higher dimensional spaces.  I enjoy looking for ways to describe mundane behavior we experience through higher dimensional mechanics.  While this often describes the simple and obvious through convoluted means, I […]

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Gendered Numbers

An observation I’ve made on mathematics is that much of it seems to be able to be traced back to some bored mathematician coming up with a seemingly arbitrarily rule system for fun and following it through to conclusion.  In so doing they discover interesting and often seemingly useless principles along the way.  This fine […]

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Balancing a Triangle

I recall I was taking a shower and was thinking about the mathematics of mobiles, something for another post, but during this I got to thinking about how to generalize a formula for finding the point to balance a triangle such that it would hang like this: I sorted most of it out in my […]

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Multidimensional Encryption

As more of a study in multidimensional reflections I devised and built the software for an encryption system that obfuscates a message through essentially multidimensional billiards. The process works like this: I define two boundaries, a large outer hypercube within which is a smaller hypercube. Bounded within the large hypercube and containing the smaller hypercube […]

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Solar Orrery

My solar orrery is an artistic design to encode the position of the sun into the surface of a cylindrical wooden block such that it could be rotated to a given date and a rotating 24hr dial riding on a stylus on a snaking groove on the surface of the cylinder would point at the […]

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