IBM Ponder This 05-17 Solved

Credited with solving this puzzle:

Ponder This Challenge:

In the string CABACB, each letter appears exactly twice and the number of characters between the “A”s is one, between the “B”s is two, and between the “C”s is three.

The same problem with the letters A-E cannot be solved, but adding a space (in the form of a hyphen) allows it to be solved.

For example, in the string ADAEC-DBCEB, the number of characters between the “A”s is one, between the “B”s is two, between the “C”s is three (counting the space), between the “D”s is four, and between the “E”s is five.

Find a string of letters (A-Z) and “-” whose length is no more than 53 characters, where each of the 26 letters A-Z appears exactly twice, and there is one character between the “A”s, two between the “B”s … and 26 between the “Z”s.

Neat little visualization of the solution I provided, I made this as a little proof-checker on the solution out of my algorithm:



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