Avocado Pit Raft

I was eating my breakfast this morning and decided I want to grow my avocado pit. I had one my dad grew me that lasted a long time that I had loved.  I naturally went to grab some toothpicks to suspend it over a glass of water and then I remembered how I roll, so I designed and built a floating avocado pit raft while still in my pajamas 🙂

I didn’t go so far as to weigh and volume-displace the pit and sample a print to calculate density, and then optimize the design to keep the center of mass below the calculated water line… I just kinda eyeballed it … but my eye-chrometer is apparently finely tuned and here you go!



Quick concept design:


3D CAD design:


3D printing setup:

3D printing:

And 3hrs later….


The next morning I did find it filled with water and sunk but I drilled a hole and drained and then coated the whole thing in wax and it has been perfect since!

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