Mechanical Phi Ruler

This is a pretty small project compared to most I publish, but I thought it was interesting enough warrant a quick post! I think many people are familiar, at least in passing, with the Golden Ratio, but for those that are not here is a very quick introduction. Mathematically the Golden Ratio, is represented by […]

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Parachute-Free Rockets

I’ve been doing a little bit of model rocketry with the kids and started to think about 3d printing my own custom rockets. They seemed cheap and easy to make so I figured we could even fire them out of over the woods and not even bother worrying about parachuting them down because they would […]

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Angel Tray

The ottoman in our living room made for a poor surface for drinks, games and such so I decided to make a tray that could sit on top of it. I went a bit overboard and ended up with an heirloom piece I am rather proud of. The warm wood tones, subtly reflective copper, mult-layered, […]

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