Mushroom Specimen

I have a friend with a sizeable collection of spooky oddities that I thought might enjoy adding an evil mushroom specimen to it.  I intended to make a hollow core in order to run blue LEDs in it so that the mushroom might have translucent spots that would slowly pulse a color.  As I got […]

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IBM Ponder This 03-18 Solved

Credited with solving this puzzle: Ponder This Challenge: Alice and Bob are given an interesting challenge. Alice will be given a random vowel (A, E, I, O, or U) in a room without Bob with six randomly set toggle (on/off) switches. She may change the state of at most one switch and then leave the […]

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Scarab Bass Relief

I recently had a hall mirror fall and the glass and frame broke. After a couple days seeing it ready to go in the garbage I decided to embrace the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-sabi and in particular it’s common artistic form of Kintsugi. I repaired the cracked mirror with a gold seam to bind the […]

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