Credited with solving this puzzle:
The solutions for the polynomial equation
131839*x^5+17585*x^4-13258*x^3-18104*x^2-419356*x+52715 = 0 (mod 11100101)
encode something related to IBM security, with a single bit error.
What does it encode? What is the wrong bit? And how is it related to IBM Security?
The solution is that if you order the solutions to the equation in the right order, convert their y-intercepts to binary and draw that binary as a bitmap you find the word “QRADAR” with a single pixel missing. Very tricky! I spent way too long thinking that the equation was mod 229 (the decimal of 11100101 in binary… both are prime incidentally…) and trying outrageous ways of trying to make sense of what was effectively static; The scary part was that I thought I was finding morse code hidden in it for a while lol!