IBM Ponder This 04-17 Solved

Credited with solving this puzzle: Ponder This Challenge: IBM recently announced a commercial Quantum computer. Such a computer can factor large numbers, using a Shor algorithm. The challenge this month is to factor at least one of the following three numbers: 27771495424394652906650011597233066116343506387184320546233728271726480989807112498372640545334956743914011373 98296593067163321549931012857525979998165090637663230976866143160359417516252340928637985390415053795128313 1412534667091752138605679066750993949837793629454397369052717798704788621599573184763086599428517731585079 Bonus ‘*’ if you factor all three. Hint: The challenge is […]

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Other Conway Geometries

I am a huge fan of cellular automata. The fingerprint of God is in the nature of the universe from atomic, to biologic, to economic, to cosmic and at each scope the emergence of complex systems arise not in spite of the lack of a central control but precisely because of it. This is how […]

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