Magic Square Sigils

While there are variations, a Magic Squares is a grid of numbers where any row, column and the diagonals sum to a singular constant.

There is no shortage of material on constructing them and interesting mathematic facts about them, but of interest to me was the ancient occult fascination with them. They are found around the world engraved in holy places and in various grimoires purporting magical properties. One occult use was to exchange the numbers of certain magic squares for corresponding letters; the Hebrew alphabet is particularly well suited to this. Then a word is selected and the lines are traced from each letter to the next on the magic square to create a magical sigil that embodies that word through the context of that particular magic square.

The software I created allows you to search by a symbol or a word to find magic squares that fit and visualize that sigil in realtime on squares up to an order of 6×6.  Here below you can see I am searching for a particular sigil and then am able to scroll through all valid patterns that match, I could also search in the other direction whereby I could search for a pattern and then scroll through all the resultant sigils.


Source code reference: To-Do

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