IBM Ponder This 02-16 Solved

Credited with solving this puzzle (w/ extra credit!):

Ponder This Challenge:

This month’s challenge is about IBM’s InterConnect 2016 conference.
Assign each letter a different digit such that the following mathematical equations would be correct (** denotes exponentiation):
a**connect = c (mod inter)
a**connect = a**toe (mod at)
a**connect = a**toe (mod cm)
n**i = ban

Hint: By guessing a little, this can almost be entirely solved without using a computer.
For a bonus ‘*’, what is the connection of the solution to “XCF MODULE ID FILTER NOT ACCEPTED”?

mod is modulo operation. I.e. x=y(mod z) means that x and y has the same remainder when divided by z. Different letters should be assigned to different digits.

Neat little puzzle-in-a-puzzle; my submission to the judges:

I believe the solution is as follows:


such that:

2^8155083 = 8 (mod 45307)
2^8155083 = 2^310 (mod 23)
2^8155083 = 2^310 (mod 89)
5^4 = 625

The IXC message for “XCF MODULE ID FILTER NOT ACCEPTED” which is IXC469I. The numeric portion is 469 which using the solution above translates to “ibm”.

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